"This didn't win two blue ribbons for nothin'"...said my biased daughter!
I must be getting old because sharing this recipe
never entered my radar screen before now.
You'll notice it isn't exotic, doesn't have a lot of
ingredients and really is...easy!
Take your time, lay everything out and go for it.
Oh, and the pie crust...everyone has their own version.
Mine comes out of a box 9 out of 10 times...don't judge!
The secret is in the last steps!
Heat oven to 425 degrees.
Two Pie Crusts-Homemade or ready made.
8 Granny Smith Apples-peeled, cored, sliced or chunked
1 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Flour
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
3 Tablespoons Butter
1/4 cup Heavy Cream
Turbinado Sugar
Use a good stoneware pie dish. I happen to love my 9" Le Creuset stoneware dish.
It's big with plenty of room to stack fillings.
Begin by preparing two pie crusts.
(Sidenote: Pie crust is in fact easy to make.
(Go for it if you have a favorite recipe but don't hesitate to use the delicious box versions.)
Sprinkle flour on your kitchen counter, board or pastry mat.
Place one round of dough on the counter or mat and stretch it out in
a circular manner to fit your pie dish using a floured rolling pin.
Toss extra flour on the dough to make rolling out easier.
I'll bet you're feeling domestic now!
Okay ready?
Gently roll one edge of the crust onto your rolling pin to lift off the counter or mat.
Place the bottom crust into the pie dish pressing
gently into the sides and Voila' you're ready for the filling!
Thoroughly toss apples, sugar, flour and cinnamon and spoon into prepared crust.
Secret #1...Dot filling with butter...don't hold back.
Roll out the top crust, gently lift onto rolling pin and lay over filling.
Seal and crimp edges with your thumb and pointer finger.
We're almost there!
Using a fork or small paring knife make 5 to 6 small slits in top crust.
(This step allows the steam created within to vent.)
And now are you ready? Secret #2 is about to be revealed!
Pour a little heavy cream into a dish or cup, find your basting or pastry brush buried in the utensil drawer and brush the heavy cream over the top of the crust.
Don't forget the edges!
Secret #3 is where the magic happens so here we go...
Sprinkle Turbinado sugar over the the entire surface!
Plain white sugar will work just fine however the large granular texture of
the Turbinado sugar looks amazing and makes the crust SPARKLE!
Place your masterpiece on a parchment or foil lined cookie sheet.
Use a pie crust edge protector to prevent edges from becoming too brown.
If you don't have an edge protector tear strips of foil and gently wrap edges.
Place in preheated oven and bake 40-45 minutes.
Remove from oven and allow to completely cool on counter.
For maximum flavor place covered pie in the fridge for at least 6 hours or overnight.
I'm telling you, this pie is about to become your favorite!