Notes from The Garden
Have you ever asked God to speak to you? Would you be able to hear His voice if He did? How about your spiritual journey…is it all show with no signs of growth? That was me.
I understood how to talk like a woman of faith however my “walk” was in dire need of adjustment.
And then it happened. It was a beautiful morning during the spring of 2008 while turning the coffee-colored dirt of my garden plot, God met with me. He’d heard my cry and came to bind up and restore my broken heart. But then why was I surprised? Didn’t it all begin in the garden?
Whether new to the potential of freshly tilled soil or garden veteran, discover how:
Every season holds an abundance of growth waiting to emerge.
The “Fruits of the Spirit” intertwine with each season.
Harvesting J-O-Y may be the best crop one can yield!
Being Still; Notes from the Garden reveals a heartfelt journey from brokenness through a renewed sense of joy and contentment, while gleaning gardening tips in the literal and spiritual sense.
Here is a link to purchase:
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