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Time Flies!

Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.

Psalm 46:10

Someone in my circle recently stated, “May is the new December!”

Quite the proclamation! I don’t know if that statement resonates with you but in my world it holds a lot of truth. Since my last post several weeks ago the usual activities including church, homemaking, dentist and doctor appointments filled many days.

Oh I know we all have those obligations however this last month also included planting and nurturing my annual vegetable garden (particularly challenging in the Rockies),

a family birthday dinner, Mother’s Day family dinner, end of year Bible study commitments, an amazing Christian conference that rocked my world, that “special” visit with the Gastroenterologist, multiple end of year school activities with the grandchildren, a Ms. Senior America beauty pageant (as a guest people!) a major life decision and BAM, May felt just like December! (I love using the word, “BAM”...thank you Emeril Lagasse!)

But you know I’m not being completely honest. All those activities did in fact fill up the entire May calendar but additionally something else materialized.

I felt it come on...that sneaky wordsmith’s nemesis called, "writer’s block"! UGH! I tried my best to ignore the feeling but who was I kidding? With so much going on every day I quickly lost inspiration. Gosh that was hard to admit! And with that came a fear to return to the keyboard.

And so I sought wise counsel...

Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.

Thank You Lord!

These God-given instructions noted by the Psalmist so long ago were written for all of us ...then and now. He knows our anxious hearts. He knows we will run ourselves ragged if not kept in check. He knew that our lives would become busy and that the month of May would in fact feel like the new December particularly for parents and grandparents with kids in school. He knows too that in our efforts to love our family, friends and neighbors our calendars will fill to the brim . But time flies.

And the awesome wonder of life with all He provides and blesses us by-still needs to


On this last day of May I present the following challenge for the month of June: Be still. Pause. Relax. Take time to enjoy your family, friends, flowers, garden, kids, grandkids, a good glass of wine, sailing with a gentle breeze blowing at your back (you know who you are!), a sunrise, a’ve got this and, He has you!

Prayer Dear Lord, impress on our hearts the importance in Your instruction to "Be Still" if even for a moment to appreciate Your work, the beauty of Your world and the love of family and friends. Amen.

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Castle Rock, CO, USA


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