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Today is THE day!

This is the day that The Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

Our daughter was given the gift of creativity and artistic ability. She was one of those kids that added amazing detail to her artwork when others her age were still illustrating with stick figures. Growing up her talent didn’t go unnoticed with awards and recognition being given through high school and college. Never one to withhold her God-given skills she was always available and excited to add pizzazz to any event where artistic expression was needed. Now grown, married and mother to four daughters she has daily opportunities to apply her creative talents in a variety of ways including home remodeling, storefront design, church, school and wedding events, co-partners a decorative cookie business and is always ready to provide creative counsel to our granddaughters with their coloring pages.

However what’s really cool is her flair with chalkboard art.

Katie has a way with chalkboards and those special chalk markers that only those born with the “crafty-artsy-oh this is easy-gene” can understand (that gene bypassed me!). Particularly eye catching, her chalk creations artfully displaying Scripture frequently become topics of conversation, and heart changes.

Recently one of Katie's newest works of art became a focal point in her husband Mason's office. Scripted in a fashionable font worthy of any art gallery the following verse greets all...

This is THE day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24.

And as God would have it, this verse has grabbed our family’s heartstrings with stunning conviction.The verse clearly states: This day. Today. Not tomorrow. Not yesterday. Today is THE day that The Lord has made...let us REJOICE and be glad in it. (!)

When we wake up each morning we should be rejoicing because after all, we woke up!

Each and every day God chooses to open our eyes is a gift-wrapped present filled with new opportunities. Ask yourself (and I will too), “What will I do with this gracious gift?” I think God wants us to unwrap every day with joyful anticipation before our feet hit the ground. Jesus also told us not to worry about tomorrow and quit being-anxious. Your yesterdays may have been awful but THIS day...THIS DAY has been made for you.

So, rejoice! God has so much grace ready for every one of us and through His power we can pray our fears, our worries and troubles...our angst into order.

So who has God assigned to you today? Is it your spouse, children, friends, coworkers? What if you knew tomorrow was your last day on earth? Whoa, now that’s a thought! Consider Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (NIV). Or how about the NLT version of the same verse... “Teach us to realize the brevity of life...”. Wouldn’t you want to spend your last day fully present with those you love the most? Give those loved ones the gift of today-TODAY!

Be present and rejoice together!

Today is THE day The Lord has made. Make good decisions today. Be ready with a smile, a hug, encouragement and confidence in our Great God. One day Jesus is coming for us. Let’s be ready!

Prayer Dear Jesus, thank You for this day! Fill my heart with rejoicing and gladness and let your love flow through me to everyone I encounter today. Amen.

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Castle Rock, CO, USA


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